Wednesday 3 March 2010

Soopsee Introduction

With a view to 'spreading the Bee and Buzz word' online,
I found a site called Soopsee, through Etsy,
which is FREE to create your own website with details of your work,
photographs and links to your Etsy shop. 
Updates to your shop can be automatically entered to your Soopsee acount
and you can automatically 'tweet' new items too,
which in my book seems a great idea to save time spent online. 
I managed to set mine up within an hour.  It was really easy.

Just thought it might be worth mentioning as it may be of use to you
if you have an Etsy shop,and you are not aware of it already.

click the link to see my Soopsee

I hope this was interesting and helpful

Bee x

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o


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