Thursday 11 August 2011

Blackberry Jam Making

The August Break 2011 Day 11 photo

At the weekend, my other half and took Buzz for a walk in the forest and ended up picking a lot of blackberries. 

It became a bit addictive.  The more we saw, the more we wanted to pick! 

So to add to the fun, I suggested a 'guess the weight' competition between ourselves so when we got home, out came the scales and the results were:

My other half guessed 3 1/2 pounds

My guess was 4 pounds

actual weight picked  5 1/2 pounds!!!!!

 so neither of us won but I was the closest.

I thought, well I'm not sure how I am going to manage to do something with all of those.  However, I didn't want them to go to waste, so I have been trying to make jam in my bread maker.  It is quite easy to do, just add the fruit, sugar and lemon juice and put it on the jam program and away you go. 

I had one batch that was a success and set really well, but the second batch didn't set so it has ended up a coulis.  I had some with a yogurt and it is delicious, so all was not lost.
I think it is to do with the pectin content in the fruit.

And the rest we kindly donated to my other half's mum who is notoriously famous for her apple and blackberry crumbles, so I am told!

I had fun creating pretty little fabric jam pot covers with a compass and a pair of pinking sheers .............

I am sure I will be making more as the blackberry season is a good one this year and I am duly informed that my other half has found some more jam jars!

bee x

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o


magie said...

Blackberry Jam sounds good to me. I like the fabric pot covers :) I just bought some jam jars the other day, so I may give blackberry jam a go.

Unknown said...

Hi Magie, My only tip would be to make the jam as soon as possible after picking the blackberries as I think this has something to do with the pectin content which helps it to set. bee x

Anonymous said...

how brilliant, love your jam pot cover! I simply can not make jam,jelly or marmalade, but do love to pick blackberries.

Unknown said...

I am beginning to think that jam making is a bit of an art form in itself! bee x

Madeline said...

I can't believe it's blackberry time already, I think Autumn is coming really early this year. Your jam jar covers are so pretty and I bet the jam is delicious. I love making jam too. I think the water content of the fruit also effects how it sets and the amount of sugar that is needed to make it set.

Unknown said...

thanks for the advice Madeline, I will bear it in mind for the next batch. bee x

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