Monday 14 December 2009

My desire to create .........

Amongst the mad seasonal Christmas crafty rush, I began to wonder why it is so important to me to be able to create and realised that my desire to create gives me

a great imagination,

respect for myself and my abilities,

self worth,

a purpose,
a challenge (I thrive on these),

personal growth,

a constant desire to learning,

an opportunity to please others,

to treasure beautiful things,
reach out to the world,
inspire myself and others,
to be different from the crowd,
for my 'little voice' to be heard, the desire to create keeps me focused, sain and smiling, through the ruff and the smooth,

and i've realised that I am truly happy
when I create,
and that is a Christmas gift worth treasuring and is
one of the best gifts of all!

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

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