Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Crochet Comforts

Two reasons I am staying in the warm today,
I am feeling a bit poorly,
 it always happens to me at this time of the year,
and too much running about
and not taking it steady.

Snowy and icy patches are still on the ground,
surrounding my little home,
and the sky looks grey and full of rain, 
so another great reason to stay in
the snug warmth of my little home.

I've tried in spurts to be a little crafty,
 to avoid the yuk feeling of ill,
and with a little crochet,
simply loopy, makes me smile,
while I feel sick, sad and on my tad!

I am not sure what they will be,
but I think cushion covers of a colourful kind!

o x o x o o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Monday, 21 December 2009

Snowy Tails

Winter has finally arrived here in Hampshire and Great Britain.  We had our first falling of snow the other day which was a bit of shock because up until recently it has been so mild.

I took a few snaps for the record of the event which happens so rarely now.  We did have more snow the next day which had left us black ice and dangerous patches.

Buzz liked sniffing the air and even tried eating the snow.  However, I think he found that his winter coat was not warm enough to keep him toasty and the snow made his paws icy cold so he didn't stay out for too long.

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o

Friday, 18 December 2009

Creative Chaos

I appear to have got myself into a lot of
mischief and created chaos,
amongst the makings of the christmas gifts,
which will have to be tidied before the
festivities of the season can commence.

I've got a couple of days grace
before my man and family decend upon me,
so I can wallow a little bit longer
in my cosy creative pit.

As hard as I try to keep it tidy,
it never seems to happen for very long.
I think the 'creative mind of its own',
 conjures up the mess,
so that it feels at home,
warm and cosy,
wrapped up in the 'blanket of chaos'.

It feels secure and pampered enough to create
beautiful objects,
from the depths of a dispair,
like jewels shining through all the junk,
making the mess, and the tidying, 
all worthwhile.


Thursday, 17 December 2009

I tried to be an Angel

I had a few errands to run yesterday and had to go to the hospital for a blood test which I am not particularly fond of and a few things happened to make the day alot
more interesting than usual

Sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, I have learnt the art of distraction, so I take a crochet hook and some wool and sit there contently crocheting away, trying not to get worked up and out came a very enthusiastic nurse who 'oohed and 'ard, over the crochet and asked me how to do it.  So I told her the stitches I was using and she was thrilled.

After a wander round a few charity shops that I like to hunt in for my treasures, I strolled down to the bus stop, only to find a lady who looked like she was going to pass out.  I asked her is she was ok, and she said no.  I stayed with her for a while and then a nice man came along who asked if everything was ok.

He went find a doctor, while I sat with the lady as she was clearly not well.  A nurse came and checked her and insisted she go with her to the surgery so, the man, me and the nurse escorted her to the surgery upon which we said goodbye and hoped she felt better.

It has left me with a mark, as I keep wondering if she is ok and I was glad I took the time to ask and stop to see if she was alright.

x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Christmas Came Early Yesterday

Today, I bring my blog to you in style ......
I've treated myself to a new laptop, after much deliberation, counting the penies and reasoning, it had to be done. 

(I only believe in buying new things if the item cannot be fixed)

Both my old laptop and PC were from the technical dark ages and had some personal issues of a grave nature.  So I purchased the best little bit of technology I could afford to see me through the next few years.

So from a techically speaking 'old banger',
to a modern 'Rolls Royce', I now feel more than
 equipt to present to you more craftiness for the
forseable future and beyond .....

x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Christmas Crafty Present Update

So far, my Christmas present crafting is sadly uncompleted as follows:

         Dad    -    Fishing Mittens       

    Brother - Fishing Log Book      
not done

 My Man - Scarf   
not done

Mum - Placemats
not done

My Man's Mum - Toiletries Bag    
not done

    However, I made some really lovely tree decorations last night and i've made some Christmas Cards so all is not lost!

I had better be more like a Bee this week and get buzzing a bit more, before the presents are for next Christmas!!

x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Monday, 14 December 2009

My desire to create .........

Amongst the mad seasonal Christmas crafty rush, I began to wonder why it is so important to me to be able to create and realised that my desire to create gives me

a great imagination,

respect for myself and my abilities,

self worth,

a purpose,
a challenge (I thrive on these),

personal growth,

a constant desire to learning,

an opportunity to please others,

to treasure beautiful things,
reach out to the world,
inspire myself and others,
to be different from the crowd,
for my 'little voice' to be heard, the desire to create keeps me focused, sain and smiling, through the ruff and the smooth,

and i've realised that I am truly happy
when I create,
and that is a Christmas gift worth treasuring and is
one of the best gifts of all!

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x

Friday, 11 December 2009

Free Christmas Gift Tags

Here's a little gift for you, two lovely Christmas gift tags, designed by my own fair hands, for you to print out and use as you wish. I hope you enjoy them.
let me know if they are ok to print out as I am not too good at this computer image sizing stuff!

o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o

Thursday, 10 December 2009

Blue Finds

Here's a selection of vintage items I have collected on my expeditions and upon discovery, came delight. My aim was to start a vintage shop but so far all the little treasures have stated to me that they wish to remain in my company for the foreseeable future. At least, that is, until I cannot move around no more.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Buzz, Buzz, Buzz

Here is a picture of my four legged friend and crafty companion, Buzz, that I thought you might like to see. He is named after Buzz Lightyear and boy he can fly. He tries to help out when I am crafting by pawing away at my side and is a lover of chewing my cotton reels, much to my dismay. Yesterday, I thought he was going to do some sewing on my machine, as he insisted on sitting on my lap whilst I attempted to sew. Persistant nudges tell me it's time for a cuddle and when he feels I've done enough, I get told in no uncertain woofs, it's time for 'walkies'...... and I have to down tools and don on the wellies.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Christmas Rush of Another Kind

I will be a busy, busy, bee ..........

Whilst updating my advent countdown calendar, I realised that I am now 'running close to the wind' and time is getting short for all those Christmas gifts I had in mind to create. Therefore, today I have decided to start my marathon of sewing and knitting of the gifts I had in mind. The alternative, fighting my way through the mad Christmas shoppers, doesn't bear thinking about, which will never do! I am not a great lover of the season of Christmas commercialism and prefer to conjure up hand made items to bring me a sense of pride and of course, functionality and joy to the recipient. I only wish the year was longer. Every year I start with good intentions about September and by December, I haven't done a thing. It's my creative mind which has a habit of wondering off on some other wonderful project which is to blame. I think my brain likes to ponder or wander on the idea of creating, it forgets to take part sometimes. So off to work I go ..... I will keep you posted on the results, no doubt last minute!

Friday, 4 December 2009

Mixed Media Art Jewellery

I will be adding a selection of mixed media hand made necklaces to my Etsy Shop on Monday, 7th December. Please drop by for a browse, you are always welcome.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Christmas Crochet Garland Tutorial

Christmas Crochet Garland Tutorial

I have enjoyed crocheting this garland and wanted something a little less traditional so I chose bright colours which are incorporated in my living room. This garland consists of three differently crocheted strands in various colours. I chose cream, fushia and teal but it would look good in any colourway.

Items Required to make Garland:

1 Size 6 / US J Crochet Hook
3 different coloured wools (chunky or double up stands of DK wool)
Darning Needle for sewing in ends


first strand (shown here in cream)
(I used a chunky pure wool)

1. Crochet a chain any desired length
(I made mine 340 cms)

2. At beginning of Chain, insert hook into 12th chain and join to form a loop.

3. slip stitch around loop until all of the loop is covered. (This creates a hoop for hanging if desired) (optional)

4. At the 13th chain (beginning of the rest of the chain), Double Crochet into next 30 chain sts. Then make Chain 12sts long and join to form loop. Slip Stitch around loop until covered.

5. Repeat DC for next 30 chain stitches*
Repeat loop and slip stitch

6. Repeat pattern from here *
(dc stitches and loop) until all the foundation chain is covered.

7. At end of foundation chain, make 12 chain stitches, slip stitch into last DC stitch to form a loop. Slip Stitch around loop to form a hanging loop, if desired.

Second Strand (shown here in Fushia Pink)

Make a foundation chain desired length
(I made mine 360 cms in length slightly longer than the
cream strand for drape)

I used Double Knitting Wool and doubled up the strands to
make the wool chunky.

1. DC into first 14 chain stitches

2. At next chain stitch, *make 5 DC into the same stitch. At last DC stitch made, pull loop out lose and remove hook, reinsert hook at the beginning of the first DC and then into the loop and pull yarn through*. This forms the bobble (known as pop corn stitch).

3. At next chain, DC into the next 12 chains and then repeat the bobble* (as shown in * * above).

4. Repeat stages 3 as above until all the chain is covered.

Third Strand (shown here in Teal Green)
(again I used double knit wool, doubled up)

1. Create a foundation chain the desired length
(I made mine 380 cms)

2. DC into the first 12 chains, then make 7 chains.
Make another 3 chain stitches, insert hook at first of 3 chains to form a bobble and then make another 7 chains and slip stitch in to DC to create a loop.

3. Repeat stage 2 until all the foundation chain is complete.


join all three strands together and hang


Hang with clear fairy lights
Make pom poms to hang off the strands
Or place Christmas Cards on the strands

Please email me if you have any questions regarding this pattern. I will do my best to help.

Crochet away until your heart's content!

Crochet Christmas Garland

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Winter Viewpoints

I took these images last winter which I thought you might like to see. They are of things which I think are beautiful in their colour, form and texture illustrating that winter can be a wonderful blanket of imagery to explore. I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Curiously searching for a good tree!

Advent Countdown to Christmas

I thought it was about time I started blogging again after my long absence. I, unfortunately, had a few ups and downs to deal with with my health over the summer and autumn and haven't had the time or the energy to post to my blog. However, I am glad to say that I am much better and back to start afresh once more. I have been slowly craftying away for the Christmas season making a crochet garland for my home which I have nearly finished and will post a tutorial shortly as it is easy peasy and quite quick to crochet, especially wrapped up in blanket in front of the tv on these long winter evenings.

This time of year conjures up a lot of fond memories of my childhood Christmas's and special family times. The excitement of getting the Christmas Tree and decorating it until it's seen in all its sparkly glory was and still is one of my favourite Christmasy things to do, along with leaving out the mince pie and carrot for Father Christmas and the Reindeer. I was a little scared, as well as excited, believing that he did come in and eat the mince pie that when I did find out from a 'all knowing school friend' I was so disappointed that he wasn't real. That was the end of the magic. However, it is still a magical time of year and hopefully a merry and peaceful one for all.

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